The Price of Our Empathy

I was twenty-five when my vision of the world changed. It wasn't the first time, but it was the most crucial shift of my life. I shed my naivete and spread my wings. The clouds parted in revelation. Not of the crystal pure sparkling sky I imagined, but of beauty overrun by murky squalls of… Continue reading The Price of Our Empathy

Eclipse Season Affirmations

Let it go, Let it happen. Keep it moving. Keep your focus on the purpose, on the passion. Step toward change. Step into your power. It's time for more evolution. It's time for another metamorphosis. Own this lunar eclipse season. Own this taurus scorpio energy. For two years, release expectations and evolve. For two years,… Continue reading Eclipse Season Affirmations

Fake News

Talking head but no leg to stand on. It doesn’t matter because the conspiracy fits their agenda. Their paste-face idol proclaims it to be truth and it’s enough evidence for them. Radicalization unregulated in the name of free speech and constitutional rights. Yet they all cock their brows and crinkle their noses as they demand… Continue reading Fake News

New York, New York

It's been two yearssince I've gazed upon yourmiraculous metropolis aura.A pandemic-a lifetime-between us.I often wonderare you different?A silly question becauseof course you are.of course-I hope that you're differentas inhappier,shinier,brighter. Sometimes I ignore the factthat I know the opposite is true.I imagine youdingeydarkand deep as ever.The last time we were together,it was I who was suffering.I… Continue reading New York, New York

Listen, Their Stories Can Save Us

I don't care if you think "that's rare" A personal story is not just a statistic it is proof of the possibility. It happened to a human and it can happen to another human. To disregard a story is to disrespect the life of the storyteller. We tell stories to teach and learn and feel.… Continue reading Listen, Their Stories Can Save Us

An Open Letter To The Narcissist’s Supply

Love is not isolation. Love is not hidden. You deserve warmth and acceptance and love out loud between two equals- two teammates. The narcissist is incapable of offering you what you deserve. But he makes you believe he's given you the whole world and lassoed the moon and sacrificed everything and breathed air into your… Continue reading An Open Letter To The Narcissist’s Supply

Willful Blindness

I am invisible An illusion projected to the world and the mirror. My physical will forever be reductive. My emotional, intellectual, and spiritual are never percieved properly by anyone but myself. But- I didn't even see myself until two transformations ago. I question my existence every time the clock ticks. I am invisible. You who… Continue reading Willful Blindness

No Thank You List

No thank you self-sabatoge No thank you self-victimization No thank you self-doubt No thank you mental anguish and gymnastics No thank you analysis paralysis No thank you temper tantrum tears when I don't get my way No thank you shutting myself in and wondering why I feel lonely No thank you impossible expectations and moving… Continue reading No Thank You List